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Effect of diet on eye health

How does diet affect eye health?

More and more people are realizing that eye health is just as important as taking care of our body and mind. The ubiquitous screening of our lives, from work to entertainment, means that we are spending more and more time in front of various electronic devices. The effects of this can be felt by our eyes, so a proper diet can help keep them in good condition.

1. Support your eyes with vitamins

Vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, and beta-carotene are extremely important for vision and eye health. Therefore, it is worthwhile for them to be present in our daily diet. Vitamin A, also known as retinol, helps maintain good vision and protects against eye infections. Foods rich in vitamin A include carrots, broccoli, eggs, spinach and dairy products.

2. Saturated fats and healthy eyes

The right fats also have an impact on the health of our eyes. Saturated fats, such as those in red meat, fried foods and snacks, can contribute to the deterioration of our eye function and increase the risk of eye disease. Instead, it's a good idea to include healthy fats in your diet, such as those contained in fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil.

3. Learn about DHA fatty acid

DHA fatty acid, also known as docosahexaenoic acid, is essential for healthy retinal development and function. It is naturally occurring in the human body, but daily supplementation or eating foods rich in this ingredient can help maintain good eye health. Foods that contain DHA acid include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and herring.

4. Antioxidants protect your eyes

Antioxidants are extremely important for your eyes, as they protect them from damage caused by free radicals and the aging process. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, spinach, black currant and red peppers, should be part of our daily diet to support the health of our eyes.

5. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption have negative effects on our eyes and vision. Long-term cigarette smoking can lead to cataracts and damage the nerves of the eyes. Alcohol, on the other hand, can affect blood circulation in the body, including in the eyes, which can lead to vision problems. Therefore, it is advisable to limit or completely give up these habits for the sake of our eyes.


Diet plays a key role in maintaining healthy eyes. A wealth of vitamins, such as vitamin A, C, E, and beta-carotene, supports eye health. Saturated fats should be replaced with healthy fats, such as those found in fish, nuts and olive oil. The fatty acid DHA is essential for retinal function, so eat fatty fish. Antioxidants, on the other hand, protect the eyes from damage caused by free radicals. Finally, to keep your eyes healthy, it's a good idea to avoid cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption. Keep this in mind when composing your daily meals your eyes will thank you!

